At-Home Resources
Catechist Convocation
Love Begins Here
LBH High School Missionary Intern
Steubenville Youth Conference
RE Leaders
Approved Textbooks/Series
Catechist Formation
Confirmation Prep
Forms & Policies
Safe Environment
Spanish Resources
Special Education
Professional Development
Professional Development Handouts
Event Recordings
Youth Ministers
General Resources
FCC Courses
General Best Practices
Our Lady of Good Help
Theology of the Body
Diocesan First Reconciliation Expectations
Diocesan Brief Summary of First Reconciliation Guidelines
Diocesan First Reconciliation Guidelines
First Reconciliation Best Practices
Andy Krueger and Sr. Regina Rose (St. Mary, Winneconne)
Second Grade Handbook
A Family Prayer
Parent Reconciliation Vocabulary
What your Child needs to know before First Reconciliation
Act of Contrition Word Search
Examination of Conscience for Children
First Reconciliation Retreat Suggestions
How to go to Confession - Busted Halo Handout
Connie DeMeuse (St. Francis Xavier Cathedral/St. John the Evangelist, Green Bay)
Letter to Parents
27 questions and answers to know before receiving first reconciliation
Seven steps in the right of penance
10 Commandment Pre-Test
Directions for 10 Commandment Game
10 Commandment Game
10 Commandment Game Questions
10 Commandment Game Part 2
10 Commandment Worksheet in Class
Act of Contrition Practice/Fill in the Blank
Assignment Sheet for First Reconciliation
Cards: 2 kinds of personal sin
Cards: 5 Steps to a good confession
Cards: 7 sacraments
Cards: Explanation of Concupiscence
Cards: How we Got the Commandments
Cards: Explanation of Sin
Cards: Explanation of Why God Made Us
Cards: How Often Should I Go to Confession?
Cards: How Priests Receive the Power to Forgive Sins
Cards: List the 10 Commandments
Cards: List the 7 Sacraments
Cards: Can I receive the Lord when I'm in mortal sin?
Cards: No! I must first go to Confession!
Cards: Original Sin and its Effects
Cards: Penance Is
Cards: Perfect and Imperfect Contrition
Cards: Reason why Baptism is important
Cards: Recite the Act of Contrition
Cards: 7 steps to the Rite of Penance
Cards: Effects of a Good Confession
Cards: The priest may never tell
Cards: The words the priest says
Cards: To be in the state of grace
Cards: What is the sacrament of reconciliation?
Cards: What kind of sacrament is the sacrament of reconciliation?
Cards: Who is the minister of the sacrament?
Cards: You shall love the Lord your God
Effects of Baptism
Effects of Original Sin worksheet
Answers Here
Effects of the Sacrament of Reconciliation worksheet
Answers Here
First Confession Formula - In Class Practice
First Confession Mock Confession
First Confession Formula Priest Copy
First Confession Formula
First Confession Lesson Plans
First Confession Make Up Homework
Imperfect Contrition
Perfect Contrition
Act of Contrition
The Day I was Baptized worksheet
Venial Sin
Mortal Sin
Kinds of Sacraments
Dawn Johnson (St. Anthony, Niagra)
Notes on Sacramental Preparation in 2nd Grade
Reconciliation Retreat
Rite of Enrollment
Reconciliation Service
How to Make Sacrifice Beads
Parent's Examination of Conscience
Child's Examination of Conscience
Deborah Gretzinger (St. Agnes, Green Bay)
First Reconciliation Retreat
Sally Korbisch (Holy Family-Wittenberg, St. Anthony-Tigerton, St. Mary-Marion, St. Mary-Leopolis)
First Reconciliation Retreat/Schedule
Role Play - Reconciliation
Healing a Broken Heart
Love Notes
Family Love Report Card
Reading a Story
Cross Craft
Jessie Adrians (St.Raphael, Oshkosh)
Reconciliation Parent Meeting Outline
Retreat Opening Prayer
First Reconcilation Retreat Rotations
First Reconcilation Retreat Make-Up
Our Loving Father Rotation
Our Loving Father Template
Parent-Child Class
Reconciliation Role Play
Rite and Ritual
Reconciliation Role Play Rotation
Rules to Live By Lesson
Sin Backpack
First Reconciliation Family Lessons (used with God's Gifts Series)
Emily Shackleton (St. Thomas More, Appleton)
Act of Contrition Prayer Card
Steps for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Outline for First Reconciliation Parent Meeting
Family Name Handout for First Meeting
Prayer Service for Parent Reconciliation Meeting
First Reconciliation Presider Copy
First Reconciliation Enrollment Sheet
Rite of Reconciliation Worship Aid
A Handy Way to Remember Worksheet
Examination of Conscience for Children
Candle Activity - Take Home Sheet
Conversion and Reconciliation Sheet
Retreat Leader's Guide
How To: Adult Lectio Divina
Family Lesson Reconciliation
Penance Bingo
Sacrament of Penance Explained (Video)
How do I go to Confession? (Video)
Packet for Families from Our Sunday Visitor (Confession/Prayer)
At-Home Resources
Catechist Convocation
Love Begins Here
LBH High School Missionary Intern
Steubenville Youth Conference
RE Leaders
Approved Textbooks/Series
Catechist Formation
Confirmation Prep
Forms & Policies
Safe Environment
Spanish Resources
Special Education
Professional Development
Professional Development Handouts
Event Recordings
Youth Ministers
General Resources
FCC Courses
General Best Practices
Our Lady of Good Help
Theology of the Body