For Catechists:
Support tutorials
best practices
Classroom Management
methods of teaching
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Formation + Certification
St. Mary's Press: ePortal (pay per course, based on topic) Sadlier: Free resource. Please use account: SadlierStudent; password: ReadyToLearn GB Diocese: CES Courses FCC Courses
Courses available online: Links to Church
documents Catechesi Tradendae - Catechesis in our Time: "The Church has always considered catechesis one of her primary tasks, for, before Christ ascended to His Father after His resurrection, He gave the apostles a final command - to make disciples of all nations and to teach them to observe all that He had commanded." National Directory for Catechesis: "Evangelization and catechesis are among the principal means by which the Church hands on the faith," (pg. 41). General Directory for Catechesis: "The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch, but also in communion and intimacy, with Jesus Christ." #80 *Pre-order new edition here* Evangelii Nuntiandi - Evangelization in the Modern World: "In what way is this mystery to be proclaimed? How can one ensure that it will resound and reach all those who should hear it? This proclamation - kerygma, preaching or catechesis - occupies such an important place in evangelization that it has often become synonymous with it; and yet it is only one aspect of evangelization." #47 Christus Vivit - To Young People & the Entire People of God: "Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way, he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life." #1 |
For Parents:
Domestic Church
Role as parents
... in Religious Ed Catholic Parents -Meaning of Family -GB Diocese Parenting Resource -USCCB - Tools for Building Domestic Church -Familiaris Consortio "The Family in the Modern World" (Pope John Paul II) -Casti Connubii "Of Chaste Wedlock" (Pope Pius XI) -Educational Guidance in Human Love: Outlines for Sex Education (Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education) -The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality (Guidelines for Education within the Family) videos
our lady of good help
year of st joseph
Safe environment
On Virtual Safe Environment training for RE students
The diocese had purchased the VIRTUS safe environment lesson plans for children in 2016. The expectation is that these lesson plans are the basis for all children’s safe environment training. All the lesson plans per grade level can be accessed from the diocesan website. Hovering over the Protecting Our Children tab across the top, click on Lesson Plans and Resources for Children. All of the lesson plans are downloadable and all the videos are available to all. The leader of the virtual learning experience can pull pieces of information from the various lesson plans to address the different grade levels that may be present. It’s also a great opportunity for adults to have the information shared with them as a reminder of what they learned in their safe environment training and to support enforcing it. Here is a link to the lesson plans:
On Virtual Instruction/Youth meetings in light of Safe Environment
As long as teachers/catechists are using a delivery platform approved by the school/parish and the invitation to the session either goes through or copies parents, and parents are invited to sit in and the site leader (Principal or Pastor) is invited and occasionally joins that is pretty similar to how the physical classroom works from a Safe Environment standpoint. There should be an expectation on the part of the teacher/catechist that the DRE or RE coordinator or some other Virtus trained adult may pop in to the virtual session at any point during the session.
It would be a best practice for the DRE/CRE or the pastor to pop in to each session/breakout room if possible. It would be better still, to always have another Virtus trained adult in the session with your teacher/catechist.
The diocese had purchased the VIRTUS safe environment lesson plans for children in 2016. The expectation is that these lesson plans are the basis for all children’s safe environment training. All the lesson plans per grade level can be accessed from the diocesan website. Hovering over the Protecting Our Children tab across the top, click on Lesson Plans and Resources for Children. All of the lesson plans are downloadable and all the videos are available to all. The leader of the virtual learning experience can pull pieces of information from the various lesson plans to address the different grade levels that may be present. It’s also a great opportunity for adults to have the information shared with them as a reminder of what they learned in their safe environment training and to support enforcing it. Here is a link to the lesson plans:
On Virtual Instruction/Youth meetings in light of Safe Environment
As long as teachers/catechists are using a delivery platform approved by the school/parish and the invitation to the session either goes through or copies parents, and parents are invited to sit in and the site leader (Principal or Pastor) is invited and occasionally joins that is pretty similar to how the physical classroom works from a Safe Environment standpoint. There should be an expectation on the part of the teacher/catechist that the DRE or RE coordinator or some other Virtus trained adult may pop in to the virtual session at any point during the session.
It would be a best practice for the DRE/CRE or the pastor to pop in to each session/breakout room if possible. It would be better still, to always have another Virtus trained adult in the session with your teacher/catechist.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Maximus Cabey, Director - Office of Child & Youth Faith Formation [email protected] / 920-272-8288 |
Callie Kowalski Assistant Director - Office of Child & Youth Faith Formation [email protected] / 920-272-8285 |