Middle School:
Playlists by Topic:
Safe environment
On Virtual Safe Environment training for RE students The diocese had purchased the VIRTUS safe environment lesson plans for children in 2016. The expectation is that these lesson plans are the basis for all children’s safe environment training. All the lesson plans per grade level can be accessed from the diocesan website. Hovering over the Protecting Our Children tab across the top, click on Lesson Plans and Resources for Children. All of the lesson plans are downloadable and all the videos are available to all. The leader of the virtual learning experience can pull pieces of information from the various lesson plans to address the different grade levels that may be present. It’s also a great opportunity for adults to have the information shared with them as a reminder of what they learned in their safe environment training and to support enforcing it. Here is a link to the lesson plans: https://www.gbdioc.org/protecting-our-children/safe-environment-lesson-plans-and-resources-for-children On Virtual Instruction/Youth meetings in light of Safe Environment As long as teachers/catechists are using a delivery platform approved by the school/parish and the invitation to the session either goes through or copies parents, and parents are invited to sit in and the site leader (Principal or Pastor) is invited and occasionally joins that is pretty similar to how the physical classroom works from a Safe Environment standpoint. There should be an expectation on the part of the teacher/catechist that the DRE or RE coordinator or some other Virtus trained adult may pop in to the virtual session at any point during the session. It would be a best practice for the DRE/CRE or the pastor to pop in to each session/breakout room if possible. It would be better still, to always have another Virtus trained adult in the session with your teacher/catechist. |
HS Resources - Sorted by USCCB Framework
1. revelation of jesus christ in scripture
- Books of the Old Testament List/Quizzes
- Divisions of the Old Testament Books
- CHALLENGE: Why not Throw out the Old Testament?
- New Testament Scavenger Hunt
- Comparing the Gospels (Table)
- Map of Galilee, Samaria, and Judah
- Comparing Infancy Narratives
- Deciphering Passages in Mark
- Characters in the Acts of the Apostles
- ACTIVITY - Heresy Trial + WORKSHEET - Heresy Work Page for the Trial
2. who is jesus christ?
3. The Mission of jesus christ (the paschal mystery)
4. jesus christ's mission continues in the church
- HANDOUT - Secular Culture Weighs in on Christians
- WORKSHEET - Peter and Paul Venn Diagram
- WORKSHEET - Marks of the Church
- WORKSHEET - In the Footsteps of Paul
- VIDEO - Martyrdom with the North American Martyrs
- VIDEO - The Rock of St. Peter
- VIDEO - Pope John Paul II on the Papacy
- VIDEO - Professional Soccer Athlete Turned Priest
- VIDEO - A Vocation Story - Falling in Love
5. sacraments as encounters of christ
- HANDOUT - Rite of Baptism
- WORKSHEET - Eucharist Throughout Old/New Testament
- HANDOUT - Why do Catholics Confess to a Priest?
- WORKSHEET - Eucharistic Miracles
- VIDEO - What's the Point of the Mass?
- VIDEO - What did you Get out of Mass?
- VIDEO - Mass, Boring?
- VIDEO - Mass and Mission
- VIDEO - Ocean of God's Mercy
- VIDEO - Why Confession?
- VIDEO - Voyage of the Dawn Treader Magic Pond Clip
- YOUTUBE - The Word Made Flesh, Fr. Robert Barron (5:54 min)
- YOUTUBE - Baptism; Fr. Robert Barron (7:14 min)
- YOUTUBE - Being Born Again: Fr. Robert Barron (12:00 min)
- YOUTUBE - Comments on Relationships and Marriage: Fr. Robert Barron (5:49 min)
- YOUTUBE - Comments on The Sacrament of Confirmation: Fr. Robert Barron (10:39)
- YOUTUBE - Sacraments 101: Busted Halo (6:26 min)
- YOUTUBE - What Becoming a Priest Means: Busted Halo (7:59)
6. life in jesus christ
- HANDOUT - Fellowship of the Unashamed
- WORKSHEET - Commandment Group Project
- VIDEO - Can I Disagree With the Church and Still be Catholic?
- VIDEO - Why Do I have to Follow So Many Rules?
- HANDOUT - How to Develop a Well-Formed Conscience
- HANDOUT - Examination of Conscience for HS Students
- HANDOUT - Oscar Romero's Nonviolent Struggle for Justice
Youth Ministry
Icebreakers + games
pilgrimage ideas + events
Confirmation Prep
Bishop's requirements
resources + materials
Decision Point - Dynamic Catholic Wild Goose is Loose Video Series Sadlier: login with username: SadlierStudent; password: ReadyToLearn! |
If you have any questions, please contact:
Maximus Cabey, Director - Office of Child & Youth Faith Formation [email protected] / 920-272-8288 |
Callie Kowalski Assistant Director - Office of Child & Youth Faith Formation [email protected] / 920-272-8285 |