--"Lost Sheep" Individuals--
please read:
Thank you so much for your interest in Love Begins Here Missions for the Diocese of Green Bay!
We appreciate your desire to help those in need in our own backyard. In order to keep everyone safe and accounted for, we have some procedures regarding individuals, or "lost sheep," registrations:
We do not want to deter anyone from the LBH Mission!
Parents, if your child is a single individual interested in serving on LBH as a "lost sheep,"
please contact Tommy Nelson at [email protected]
We want to take every "lost sheep" as a case-by-case basis; however, if we have several "lost sheep" from a specific parish, we will be required to contact that parish to send a chaperone for liability, safety, and transportation purposes. If your parish does not have an active youth program, our coordinator can check in with other parishes to see if they would be willing to "adopt" your child as a "lost sheep." Otherwise, we encourage "lost sheep" to register with a chaperone, (a parent or an adult, 21 years old or older, who is VIRTUS trained and completed a background check).
In order to be VIRTUS/Safe Environment compliant, as well as having safe and secure transportation to-and-from the work sites, we encourage individuals who register as "lost sheep" to register with a chaperone or with another parish. We try our best to accommodate those individual students who have a desire to serve by partnering with parishes to send chaperones, or by working with parents to come chaperones.
Thank you!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tommy Nelson-Asst Director of Children & Youth Faith Formation TNelson@gbdioc.org
We appreciate your desire to help those in need in our own backyard. In order to keep everyone safe and accounted for, we have some procedures regarding individuals, or "lost sheep," registrations:
We do not want to deter anyone from the LBH Mission!
Parents, if your child is a single individual interested in serving on LBH as a "lost sheep,"
please contact Tommy Nelson at [email protected]
We want to take every "lost sheep" as a case-by-case basis; however, if we have several "lost sheep" from a specific parish, we will be required to contact that parish to send a chaperone for liability, safety, and transportation purposes. If your parish does not have an active youth program, our coordinator can check in with other parishes to see if they would be willing to "adopt" your child as a "lost sheep." Otherwise, we encourage "lost sheep" to register with a chaperone, (a parent or an adult, 21 years old or older, who is VIRTUS trained and completed a background check).
In order to be VIRTUS/Safe Environment compliant, as well as having safe and secure transportation to-and-from the work sites, we encourage individuals who register as "lost sheep" to register with a chaperone or with another parish. We try our best to accommodate those individual students who have a desire to serve by partnering with parishes to send chaperones, or by working with parents to come chaperones.
Thank you!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Tommy Nelson-Asst Director of Children & Youth Faith Formation TNelson@gbdioc.org